March 2022 Tube Price Increases
Posted by Mike Feagan on
Due the the Canadian Government imposing a 35% tariff on incoming Russian made product as well as a shortage of tubes in the parts channels our tube pricing will be drastically effected. We expect our tube prices to rise about 50% due to cost increases and new import duties and unfortunately we will not be able price match any other vendor on tube pricing for the time being. Thanks Fleet Web Team Please see below a message received on March 11, 2022 from our tube supplier : Attention All EHX Tube Customers Yesterday, Russia imposed a ban on the export...
Fender Mustang Micro - Every guitar player needs this !
Posted by Mike Feagan on
Fender has released the Mustang Micro guitar headphone amp, this pint sized power house guitar headphone amplifier offers a feature set and tonal quality above all others. The Mustang Micro is rechargeable so no batteries to worry about and it lasts 4 hours on a single charge. Easy to select up to 12 different amp models from clean to triple rectifier distorted, each model sounds great and has 12 easily editable effects with variable parameters and eq for each model. Jamming along with your favorite playlist is a breeze with blue tooth audio connectivity you are basically wireless except from...
PRS Experience 2018
Posted by Mike Feagan on
I attended the 2018 PRS Experience at the PRS factory in Stevensville MD on June 6th , it was a combination of a open house for dealers and end users to see the factory and meet the staff as well as a giant party to celebrate guitar enthusiast and have a beer with like minded folks that really dig PRS guitars . We have been a dealer of PRS at Fleet for a little over 4 years now and the guitars are great quality, very playable, and sought after by a loyal legion of players who love them. We have...
Eartec - Affordable and Functional Wireless Entertainment Coms
Posted by Mike Feagan on